Thursday, August 25, 2005

Activate this networking jack

I get annoyed when people tell me they want to use a certain computer on a certain networking jack. I say okay, and lookup the machine to find out what network it's in. Then, I pull open a big spreadsheet and trace the ethernet jack back to a switch and switchport. Then I ssh into the switch and check which network that switchport is on.

And find it was set properly to begin with, and would have worked all along. They didn't have to bother me at all, or have me go through the steps above.

In other words, if you tried it, and it didn't work, come to me to fix it. But, you don't waste your mechanic's time giving him a call in the morning and telling him you want to drive your car to work. You get in the car, put in the key, and if it doesn't turn over, THEN call him. Why should IT be different? Or, better yet, why shouldn't IT just work? I've devised a scheme to get around so many jack/vlan changes, but it's going to take a few months to implement it.

Why do so many people look for a handout instead of thinking things through themselves?

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